Friday, October 10, 2008

Workshop in San Mateo, CA

The MTNA teacher group in San Mateo gave me the opportunity to present a workshop on American Popular Piano in the very attractive Oak Room in the new San Mateo library building. There was a very good turnout for this and Janice Sheng is to be congratulated for hosting an extremely well-organised event. Some teachers were aware of the new series – at least one teacher had bought it over a year ago and was not sure how to use it, so she had come to find out! So my session very much emphasized how to use American Popular Piano – the teacher in question was my “student” when I went through some of the ear-training and sight-reading components in the Skills books. Other teachers were delighted to try improvising for the first time.Everyone went away feeling comfortable with how to use the series – they like the material but needed a chance to see how this new concept worked. We will continue to do what we can on the website to communicate the “how to” aspect as clearly as possible.

A final quote from Janice Sheng:
"Christopher Norton's presentation on the APP Series was not only informative but also exciting and inspiring.  The teachers of MTAC San Mateo branch had a great time.  We learnt new concepts and tricks, and we cannot wait to get our hands on the innovative APP materials!"

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sherman Clay, Roseville, CA

Placer and Sierra MTAC branches were pleased to have Christopher Norton present his new American Popular Piano Series at the brand new Sherman Clay store in Roseville, Ca. About 25 teachers attended this event and found Christopher Norton to be charming, entertaining and informative. 

APP is an exciting new concept in teaching piano. The course offers music in the styles that students listen to everyday. The modular format creates a new and exciting way to teach musical concepts and improvisation. The material was well received and the workshop was highly interactive. Many teachers were heard to say that they were going to try APP. Even teachers that already were using APP learned something new from attending the workshop. We are looking forward to the Christmas materials and levels 6-8.